NIH Digital Repository: Recent submissions

  • अहमद, तनवीर; अग्रवाल, पुष्पेंद्र कुमार; ठकुराल, एल. एन.; चौधरी, पल्लवी (National Institute of Hydrology, 2015)
    अंकीय ऊंचाई प्रतिदर्श आपदा प्रबंधन, जल विज्ञान एवं जल प्रबंधन, भू आकृति विज्ञान एवं शहरी विकास जैसे महत्वपूर्ण क्षेत्रों के लिए अत्यधिक महत्वपूर्ण है।
  • मिश्रा, सुरेन्द्र कुमार; अग्रवाल, पुष्पेंद्र कुमार; पाण्डेय, आशीष; मोहनलाल; पाण्डे, आर. पी. (National Institute of Hydrology, 2015)
    राष्ट्रीय अभियांत्रिकी पुस्तिका (NEH-4) मृदा संरक्षण सेवा वक्र संख्या (SCS-CN) पद्धति जिसे प्रकृतिक संसाधन संरक्षण सेवा वक्र संख्या पद्धति के नाम से भी जाना जाता है, किसी दिये गए वर्षा घटक के लिए प्रत्यक्ष सतही अपवाह की ...
  • अग्रवाल, पुष्पेंद्र कुमार; राठौर, देवेंद्र सिंह (National Institute of Hydrology, 2015)
    आद्र भूमि क्षेत्र एक महत्वपूर्ण प्रकृतिक संसाधन है। जलविज्ञानीय प्रक्रम में अपनी विशिष्ट भूमिका के कारण आद्र भूमि का संरक्षण अत्यधिक महत्वपूर्ण विषय है।
  • Sachan, Shikha; Thomas, T.; Singh, R. M. (New Delhi Publishers, 2018)
    In India agriculture system mainly depends upon rainfall for their survival. Rainfall analysis is essential for water resources planning and management. An attempt has been made to carrying out the probability analysis ...
  • अग्रवाल, पुष्पेंद्र कुमार; मंगल, शशि चंद (राष्ट्रीय जल विकास अभिकरण, 2015)
    घरेलू उपयोगों, खाद्यान्न उत्पादन, औद्योगिक एवं आर्थिक विकास एवं अन्य सामान्य अनुप्रयोगों के लिए जल अत्यधिक महत्वपूर्ण है। भारत वर्ष में उपलब्ध जल हमें मुख्यतः वर्षा एवं हिमपात से प्राप्त होता है।
  • अग्रवाल, पुष्पेंद्र कुमार (National Institute of Hydrology, 2017)
    यद्यपि देश में जल संसाधनो की उपलाभध्ता
  • Agarwal, P. K. (IWRS, 2015)
    Water quality deterioration has serios implications for the supply of water for drinking, irrigation, industrial use and it simportant determinant of public health. The ganga river, largest river in India, occupies nearly ...
  • Kumar, Pradeep; Nema, M. K.; Thayyen, Renoj J.; Goel, M. K.; Jain, Sharad K. (National Institute of Hydrology, 2013)
    Western Himalayan region is the main stay of the Himalayan water tower holding more than 90% of glacier and cryospheric resources in India and abundant monsoon rainfall along its foothills. Major rivers of the region; ...
  • Goel, M. K.; Kumar, Sudhir; Thayyen, Renoj J.; Kumar, Naresh; Kotwal, Suraj P.; Srivastava, R. L.; Chauhan, Charanjit (National Institute of Hydrology, 2009)
    The Irrigation and Flood Control (I & FC) Department of J & K State planned to construct a barrage across the Tawi River at Jammu for creating a lake for recreation purpose. The aim of the present study is to evaluate ...
  • Thayyen, Renoj J.; Kumar, Naresh; Goel, M. K.; Kotwal, Suraj P. (National Institute of Hydrology, 2010)
    Himalayan glaciers numbered around 9575 influence the hydrology of the headwater regions of the river Indus, the Ganges and the Brahmaputra. These glaciers are under the overall recessional regime since 1850’s with ...
  • Singh, R. D.; Ghosh, N. C.; Goel, M. K.; Thayyen, Renoj J.; Kumar, Naresh; Kotwal, Suraj P. (National Institute of Hydrology, 2011)
    River Chenab experiences significant floods during the monsoon season. There are some major projects on the river, such as Salal dam, Baglihar, and Dulhasti. On the directions of the Governing Body of NIH, this study ...
  • Singh, R. D.; Goel, M. K.; Chalisgaonkar, Deepa; Kumar, Vijay; Rathore, D. S.; Mehta, Rama D.; Ahmad, Tanvear; Agarwal, P. K.; Singh, Yatveer (National Institute of Hydrology, 2014)
    Any plan related to inter-basin transfer of water from a water-surplus basin to a water-deficit basin has to take into account the water availability and demands under the present and future scenarios of water use. Any ...
  • Goel, M. K.; Jain, Sharad K.; Agarwal, P. K. (National Institute of Hydrology, 2003)
    Success of an irrigation system depends on efficient water management. Efforts to improve agricultural practice by making more efficient use of available water resources require mathematical models to simulate the dynamics ...
  • Singh, R. D.; Jain, Sharad K.; Goel, M. K.; Singh, Sushil K.; Agarwal, P. K. (National Institute of Hydrology, 2013)
    Elevation-Area-Capacity (EAC) curves of a storage reservoir are among the primary requirements for various kind of reservoir analysis such as reservoir flood routing, reservoir operation analysis, reservoir classification, ...
  • Goel, M. K.; Jain, S. K.; Chaube, U. C. (2005)
    Irrigation accounts for around 83% of the total freshwater demands in India. With limited availability of water as compared to demands, considerable improvement in efficiency of water use by different sectors, especially ...
  • Goel, M. K.; Jain, Sharad K.; Chaube, U. C. (NIH, Ministry of Water Resources, 2009)
    Agriculture sector in India accounts for nearly 80% of fresh water and 30% of energy consumption. In another developing countries also available water and energy resources are already under considerable stress and there ...
  • Kumar, Vijay; Anandhakumar, K. J.; Goel, M. K. (IAHS, 2009)
    Groundwater flow in part of the Western Yamuna Canal (WYC) command area in the Haryana state (India) has been simulated. An area of 7508 km2 of the total 13 543 km2 area of WYC command was selected for modelling. The ...
  • Shivhare, Vikash; Goel, M. K.; Singh, C. K. (ISPRS, 2014)
    Water related activity that takes place in one part of a river basin may have consequence in the other part. Any plan related to inter basin transfer of water from a water surplus basin to a deficit basin has to take into ...
  • Meetei, Prikash N.; Ahluwalia, Rajeev Saran; Rai, S. P.; Khobragade, S. D.; Sarangi, Shushanta; Goel, M. K.; Kumar, Sushil (Taylor & Francis, 2020)
    Continuous monitoring of snow cover area (SCA) in space and time is a vital input to estimate the snow/glacier melt runoff, glacial mass balance and other hydrological studies. The present study aims to find out the ...
  • Goel, M. K.; Jain, Sanjay K. (United Nations Economic, 1996)
    Sedimentation is a major problem in the operation and maintenance of reservoirs. Sediments restrict water movement, occupy space and adversely affect the quality of water acquatic organisms and the recreational potential ...