The Upper Lake, (Bhojtal) is situated in the city Bhopal.Upper Lake is the major source of water for the city Bhopal. Economic as well as recreational activities of the city Bhopal are dependent on the water availability in the upper Bhopal Lake. This receives water as surface runoff only during monsoon period of each and every year. The upper lake has a catchment area of 375.55km2. The Land use Pattern of about 80% of the catchment is an agricultural area. Whereas 5% is of the forest and rest comes in urban area. Since the inset of monsoon in the catchment area is by 15th June in every year. The agricultural area starts contributing by the end of august. Whereas the lake start receiving surface runoff right from the beginning of monsoon season. Bhojtal Basin has a good surface hydro environment potential to reduce the water scarcity problem of the district. Current situation demands to prepare a proper plan for reducing the losses of surface water of the basin.