Soil moisture content is an important variable that determines the response of a soil plant system to any water input. Continual monitoring is therefore, of significance in irrigation management. Different agricultural practices cause varying changes in soil moisture status in the fields. Determination of soil moisture content, its variation in time and space and redistribution during and after rainfall or irrigation are necessary in order to decide when to irrigate and what is the optimum quantity of water needed in agricultural fields. As successful crop production requires an adequate supply of soil moisture throughout the growing season, it is essential to study the factors influencing the soil moisture movement in agricultural fields such as variation on land cover, soil hydrologic properties etc.
In this report a brief discussion on several methods available for the measurement of soil moisture content and soil moisture te3cion with particular emphasis on the methods making use of neutron probe, gamma-ray spectrometer and tensiometer have been given, followed by a comprehensive review on the effective applicability of the methods for the purpose citing several Indian and foreign examples.