The subsurface is the medium through which pollu-
tants move from the soil surface to groundwater. Polluting substances are subjected to complex physical, chemical and biological transformations while moving through the subsurface material, and their displacement depends on the transport properties of the water air porous medium system. Pollution. caused by human activities, agriculture, mining and industry has brought about a growing interest in the role of subsurface material in the ground water pollution.
The National. of Hydrology established
the Manes Influence Division in 1986 with the major object-
ives of studying the erosion and sedimentation in a water-
shed, forest influences on hydrological region, environ-
mental impact assessment of water resources projects, and water quality model studies. Therefore studies are done in this division on effects of changes in the hydrological cycle on social, environmental and ecological aspects related to water resources. In view of the aggrevation of ground
water pollution problems in the country, it was envisagedto study the present status of knowledge about subsurface movement of pollutants.
The report has been prepared after extensive liter-
ature survey available on ground water pollution. The report includes, chb activities generating pollutants, type of pollutants and behaviour of pollutants besides the mathe-
matical models which describe the movement of pollutants
in the subsurface environment.
The report has been prepared by Sri Sudhir Kumar,
Scientist in Man' s influence Division. He was supported by Scientific staff namely Sri Yatvir Singh, Sri Rakesh
Goyal, Sri Zafar Abbas, and Sri T.R. Sapra. The report
has been typed by Sri S.P. Singh Sri Avdhesh Sharma ,
and Sh. Y.P.S. Verma.