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Groundwater resources in the Indo‐Gangetic Basin Resilience to climate change and abstraction (Executive Summary)
MacDonald, Alan; Bonsor, H. C.; R., Taylor; Shamsudduha, M.; Burgess, W. G.; Ahmed, K. M.; Mukherjee, A.; Zahid, A.; Lapworth, D. J.; Krishan, Gopal; Rao, M. S.; Moench, M.; Bricker, S. H.; Yadav, S. K.; Satyal, Y.; Smith, L.; Dixit, A.; Bell, R.; Steenbergen, F. van; Basharat, M.; Gohar, M. S.; Tucker, J.; Calow, R. C.; Maurice, L.
Groundwater within the Indo‐Gangetic Basin (IGB) alluvial aquifer system forms one of
the world’s most important and heavily exploited reservoirs of freshwater. In this study
we have examined the groundwater system through the lens of its resilience to change –
both from the impact of climate change and increases in abstraction. This has led to the
development of a series of new maps for the IGB aquifer, building on existing datasets held
in Pakistan, India, Nepal and Bangladesh, a review of approximately 500 reports and papers,
and three targeted field studies on under‐researched topics within the region. This brief
synthesises the major findings of the study, and forms the Executive Summary of the final
project report.