The ground water quality of Gujarat state has been examined. The values of various constituents analysed were found in the range: pH up to 9.06, EC up to 31200 us/cm, CO3 up to 96 mg/I, HCO3 up to 2135 mg/1, Cl up to 6035 mg/1, NO3 up to 800 mg/1, SO4 up to 2980 mg/1, F up to 6 mg/1, PO4 up to 20 mg/I, Ca up to 962 mg/I, Mg up to 2187 mg/I, hardness up to 11400 mg/1, Na up to 3794 mg/I, K up to 1120 mg/1 and Fe up to 6.5 mg/1. These constituents may affect the health of the people as the concentrations of the most of parameters are above the limit of acceptability. The parameters in high concentration may be due to geological formations or pollution to the ground water bodies by anthropogenic activities.