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Hydrogeochemical zonation for groundwater management in the areawith diversified geological and land-use setup

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dc.contributor.author Kumar, Manish
dc.contributor.author Herbert, Roger
dc.contributor.author Ramanathan, A. L.
dc.contributor.author Rao, M. S.
dc.contributor.author Kime, Kangjoo
dc.contributor.author Deka, Jyoti Prakash
dc.contributor.author Kumar, Bhishm
dc.date.accessioned 2019-09-03T05:03:53Z
dc.date.available 2019-09-03T05:03:53Z
dc.date.issued 2013
dc.identifier.citation Chemie Der Erde 73 (2013) 267-274 en_US
dc.description.abstract Despite its limited aerial extent, the National Capital Territory (NCT) Delhi, India, has diversified geologi-cal and topographical setup. A geochemical assessment of prevailing conditions of aquifer underlying theNCT was attempted and further classified into different hydrogeochemical zones on the basis of statis-tical and analyses and its correlation with land use, geological and climatic setting. Mineral phase studyand isotopic analyses were used for the verification of performed clustering. Saturation indices (SI) cal-culated using the geochemical modelling code PHREEQC were used to distinguish the characteristics offour zones, as saturation states of the water does not change abruptly. Four different hydrogeochemicalzones were statistically identified in the area: (1) intermediate (land-use-change-impacted) rechargezone, (2) discharge (agriculture-impacted) zone, (3) recharge (ridge) zone, and (4) recharge floodplain(untreated-discharge-impacted) zone. The distinctiveness of hydro-geochemical zones was further ver-ified using stable isotopic (2H and18O) signature of these waters. GIS-based flow regime in associationwith long-term geochemical evidences implied that these zones are being affected by different prob-lems; thus, it necessitates separate environmental measures for their management and conservation.The study suggested that in a diversified urban setup where the complex interactions between anthro-pogenic activities and normal geochemical processes are functioning, hydrogeochmical zoning basedon the integration of various techniques could be the first step towards sketching out the groundwatermanagement plan. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Elsevier en_US
dc.subject Geochemical modelling en_US
dc.subject PHREEQC en_US
dc.subject Groundwater quality en_US
dc.subject Hydrogeochemical zoning en_US
dc.subject India en_US
dc.subject Water resource management en_US
dc.subject Statistical clustering en_US
dc.title Hydrogeochemical zonation for groundwater management in the areawith diversified geological and land-use setup en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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