National Symposium on Hydrology, 16-18 December 1987, Vol.- II at Roorkee: Recent submissions

  • Sridharan, S.; Sivaramakrishnan, T. R. (National Institute of Hydrology, 1987)
    Heavy rain episodes over a place paralyses life and activities, especially in the metropolitan cities. Hence the detailed informations on heavy rain episodes over a location will be of immense help to ...
  • Janakiraman, S.; Venugopal, K.; Sakthivadivel, R. (National Institute of Hydrology, 1987)
    Daily rainfall values of North-East monsoon from, September to 'December (122 days} are used for the formulation of Transitional Probability Matrices. Sixteen raingauge stations of Bhavani ...
  • Mohan, M.; Verma, S. C.; Singh, Ranvir; Seth, S. M. (National Institute of Hydrology, 1987)
    For the development of water resources the evaluation of water potential is necessary. The historical streamflow data constitutes just one sample from past which is unlikely to ...
  • Guha, M. K. (National Institute of Hydrology, 1987)
    A mathematical model based on the equation of continuity for soil-moisture variation under different actual precipitation occurrence has been developed using the physical possible relationship between the crop-water ...
  • Venugopal, K.; Sivagnavelu, S.; Raghavendran, R.; Sakthivadivel, R. (National Institute of Hydrology, 1987)
    This work relates to application of dynamic programming model to Narmadasagar reservoir across river Narmada in the state of Madhya Pradesh . The model is formulated to determine ...
  • Nanda, J. N. (National Institute of Hydrology, 1987)
    Eversince Bellman's (1957) book on Dynamic Programming (DP), new avenues have opened up for the reservoir operation or control problems. The computational effort required to solve a multireservoir control ...
  • Jain, Sharad K. (National Institute of Hydrology, 1987)
    Reservoirs are the most effective way of regulating streams flows. The inflow process, the reservoir storage and the outflow processes together constitute the stream flow regulation system. The three important ...
  • Achutan, K. (National Institute of Hydrology, 1987)
    Water has quantitative, qualitative, spatial temporal, and state dimensions. The hydrologist is a major contributor to financial, social and engineering decisions by efficiency of water networks and which ...
  • Sahu, S. K.; Sharma, S. D. (National Institute of Hydrology, 1987)
    Studies were conducted to establish an equation which would be useful in predicting evapotranspiration (ET) for upland paddy. The parameters of the equation are temperature, sunshine hour, wind velocity and relative ...
  • Bhardwaj, S. P. (National Institute of Hydrology, 1987)
    Variuus components of hydrologic cycle viz. rainfall, run—off, seepage, soil moisture and evapotranspiration (ET) were measured daily in a weighing type lysimeter having undisturbed soil monolith and ...
  • Seth, S. M.; Chandra, Satish (National Institute of Hydrology, 1987)
    The development of water resources for meeting increasing demands of steeply rising population of the country has posed many problems for all involveq in this task, particularly ...
  • Sarin, K. C. (National Institute of Hydrology, 1987)
  • Sikka, A. K.; Bhatt, P. N. (National Institute of Hydrology, 1987)
    Training and education provide a suitable mechanism and crucial input in developing technical or trained manpower in view of the fast technological advancements being made in watershed management, hydrology & water ...

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