Water Resource prnjects can be better planned and managed fo ensure more reliable water availability and effl,:lent• water
in the agricultural sector, mitigate flood daTogr- arid (i.roJrol
ç : r fl p,lliOi-rf .1nd ,immlLmoi,if.-;13
and social impacts such as prevention of developmont r wator
loe,ging and s:ilinity, reduction iN the spread r waLer borne
diseases and proper re:3ettlement of displaced peoplo. Fnvironmcn tally :;ound water management should be able to addreLis and rc•• solve all these issues simultaneously.
in the ecr;-;ystem, impacts are usually complcx lnd Inp-1
may lead to another resulting In chain actions and a major m,ly
often are to ,t combination of factors. Various ;pen of wator
rolat d activities can cause benefl?,ial or advf.)r.;c imp:w!:1 on
cnvironv.nt- Those activities may include land i wn
Fitruction, T-1:1 1er impOundmrInt, land
alterations and (!hange:-; in land us,:t
Water Quality H a very imp-irl-ant eonsidor ti-n r
water development projects as It affects all aspoots or water use
with regard to aLor Tfnd 1 ' s an Undo t'
t.7:1r1(1.1 n or :t rnL.ifj ijiofl and i or.r.cts ar' ;11 Agr I
cultural, indwOrial and human settlement., developmnt around the
new water projf.ot ara may ex(!erbate the problem of WO".0•1' Quality