Hydrology is an earth science, it encompasses the
(/ (:urroncc, distribution,mov(Iment and properLi s of the waters of the earth and their envi •onmk:nLal relations. Closely allied fields include geology,ciimatolugy, meteorology and oceanography.
A c Lchment or drainage basin Ia an any area of land determined by topographic features in which both surface and subsurface water drains Lo its lowest level. Catchments are separated from each other topographically hills slopes and
ridges, It is conserved and proiuLting a balance between the
incoming and out going fluxos. (:alAdm(lit is a planning
unit with readily ldenLifiablc boundaries and characteristic
pattern:, of watf.• movemenk,, itn resonroon and readily suited to
coordinated planning and ulanagesw:nit_
Otif ability to 414.khaAe w.11,or ilirillOtICC'd by the
today's environmental problums. To understand the hydrologAc
systems that exist, in the eatchments are very much concerned to
manage te extent.
This report has been prepared in connection with ongoing
UNDP project IND/90/03 entitled - Developing capabilities in
Hydrologi.:::11 Studies-.