Research papers in National Journals: Recent submissions

  • Gupta, Parul; Sharma, Anupama; Joshi, Namita (IWRS, 2015)
    The groundwater system along the coast of Saurashtra is affected by high salinity. In the Minsar river basin, the groundwater salinity varies from very high near the sea coast to medium and low salinity values in the upland ...
  • अहमद, तनवीर; जैन, एस. के.; अग्रवाल, पुष्पेंद्र कुमार; राठौर, देवेंद्र सिंह (निस्केयर, 2014)
    जल मानव जीवन के लिए प्रकृति द्वारा प्रदत्त एक अनमोल उपहार है| जल मनुष्य के जीवन, कृषि तथा जल विद्युत परियोजनाओ के लिए आवश्यक संसाधन है| वर्षा जल का स्थानिक और सामयिक रूप से असमान होना बाढ़ एवं सूखा आदि समस्याओं का प्रमुख ...
  • अहमद, तनवीर; अग्रवाल, पुष्पेंद्र कुमार; राठौर, देवेंद्र सिंह; चालीसगावंकर, दीपा; ठकुराल, एल. एन. (निस्केयर, 2016)
    वेब आधारित भौगौलिक सूचना तंत्र एक ऐसी तकनीक है, जिसमें वेब आधारित जी.आई.एस. साफ्टवेयरों में स्थानिक आँकड़ो के प्रयोग को विकसित करने की क्षमता उपलब्ध है।
  • जैन, शरद कुमार; अग्रवाल, पुष्पेंद्र कुमार (निस्केयर, 2016)
    जलाशय उपलब्ध संसाधनो को उपयोगी संसाधनो में परिवर्तित करने में सहायता करते हैं। जलाशय में एकत्रित जल का उपयोग जल शक्ति उत्पादन, सिंचाई, घरेलू उपयोग नौकायन आदि विभिन्न उपयोगो के लिए किया जा सकता है।
  • अग्रवाल, पुष्पेंद्र कुमार (निस्केयर, 2016)
    नदियाँ अपने प्रवाह के साथ विशाल मात्रा में अवसाद भार को बहाकर लाती हैं। इन नदियों के मार्ग में अनेक नदी घाटी परियोजनाएँ निर्मित की गयी हैं जिनकी क्षमता नदी द्वारा बहाकर लाये जाने वाले अवसाद की दर पर निर्भर करती है|
  • Agarwal, P. K. (IWRS, 2015)
    Water quality deterioration has serious implications for the supply of water for drinking, irrigation, industrial use and is important determinant of public health.The Ganga river, largest river in India, occupies nearly ...
  • Singh, Riddhi; Mishra, Vimal; Narasimhan, Balaji; Ghosh, Subimal; Sharma, Anupama; Dutta, Subashisa; Mujumdar, P. P. (Indian National Science Academy, 2020)
    Human alteration of the natural environment continues nearly unabated in many parts of the world. This has resulted in exploitation of natural resources including water, over and above their limits of natural replenishment. ...
  • Singh, Vikrant Vijay; Sharma, Anupama; Joshi, P. C. (Indian Water Resources Society, 2015)
    Downscaling of Global Circulation Models (GCMs) outputs is important to assess regional climate change impacts. Coarse resolution of GCMs presents averaged weather conditions. GCMs outputs cannot be used directly and are ...
  • Gupta, Parul; Sharma, Anupama; Joshi, Namita (Indian Water Resources Society, 2015)
    The groundwater system along the coast of Saurashtra is affected by high salinity. In the Minsar river basin, the groundwater salinity varies from very high near the sea coast to medium and low salinity values in the upland ...
  • Kumar, Rakesh; Singh, R. D.; Arora, Manohar; Patra, J. P.; Sapra, T. R. (Current Science Association in collaboration with the Indian Academy of Sciences (India), 2016)
    AS mentioned in the National Water Policy (2012) water a scarce natural resource, is fundamental to life, livelihood, food security and sustainable development. India has more than 18% of the world’s population, but ...
  • Sharma, M. K.; Thayyen, Renoj J.; Jain, C. K.; Arora, Manohar; Shyamlal (IAH, 2017)
    Role of subglacial system in controlling hydro-chemistry of Gangotri glacier system has been assessed during the period 2014-2016. Discharge hydrographs of the year 2014 and 2015 show sharp rising and falling limb and ...
  • Ramana, R. Venkata; Chakravorty, B.; Samal, N. R.; Pandey, N. G.; Mani, P. (2008)
    The rainfall Intensity Duration Frequency (IDF) relationship is one of the most commonly used tools in water resources engineering for planning, designing or operation of water resources projects. The establishment of ...
  • Singh, Kaptan; Singh, Rajesh; Malyan, Sandeep K.; Rawat, Meenakshi; Kumar, Pradeep; Kumar, Sumant; Sharma, M. K.; Pandey, Govind (Indian Water Resources Society, 2018)
    Water is the second most vital element on Earth, which supports the improving, but it is posing tremendous pressure on natural resources, resulting in deterioration of air, water, and soil quality. The contaminated natural ...
  • Rao, Purba H.; Jain, Sharad K.; Millin, Alan (SAGE, 2016)
    In the years to come, India will be highly vulnerable to the impacts of rising sea level, floods and droughts, water pollution, and the associated health hazards. In addition to the severe effect of water-related concerns ...
  • Priya, S. Shanmuga; Jeyakanthan, V. S.; Genitha, C. Heltin; Sanjeevi, Shanmugam (Springer-ISRS, 2017)
    Estimation of reservoir water-spread area is often carried out by field surveys which are cumbersome, time consuming, expensive and involves more man power. Hence, such surveys cannot be carried out periodically. ...
  • Ramana, R. Venkata; Rao, Y. R. S.; Jeyakanthan, V. S. (Association of Hydrologists of India, 2017)
    Forecasting the fluctuations in groundwater levels in advance with satisfactory accuracy will help in conjunctive use and proper planning and management of groundwater resources in a sustainable manner. The main objective ...
  • Ramana, R. Venkata; Krishna, Budu; Pandey, N. G.; Chakravorty, B. (Association of Hydrologists of India, 2014)
    Rainfall is one of the most significant parameters in a hydrological model, several models have been developed to analyze and predict the rainfall forecast. In recent years, wavelet techniques have been widely applied ...
  • Venkataramana, R.; Jeyakanthan, V. S.; Rao, Y. R. S.; Vijay, T. (Indian Water Resources Society, 2019)
    The dynamic and accurate flood forecasting of daily stream flow processes of a river are important in the management of extreme events such as flash floods, floods and optimal design of water storage structures and drainage ...
  • सिंह, ओमकार; शर्मा, मुकेश कुमार; चौबे, वी. के.; सिंह, राजदेव (निस्केयर, 2013)
    जलविज्ञानीय अध्ययनों के लिए विभिन्न प्रकार की मृदाओं एवं भूमि उपयोगों की स्थिति में अन्तःस्यंदन ज्ञान जरूरी है|
  • Purandara, B. K.; Kumar, C. P. (IEI, 2003)
    Hydraulic properties of soils play an important role in movement of soil moisture from the ground surface to water table through the unsaturated zone and, hence, affect the runoff and groundwater recharge processes. This ...

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