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dc.contributor.authorPalaniappan, A. B.-
dc.contributor.authorJain, Vibha-
dc.description.abstractWater Year Books are essential components for planning of water resources project as they contain valuable information for the purpose. India Meteorological Department and the State Departments are publishing Rainfall Data on a regular basis. Similarly, Water Year Books containing Streamflow Data are being published by Central Water Commission and State Irrigation Departments. Since planning of water resources projects require much more hydrological information, which is not readily available, it is desirable to have all this information in a consolidated form at one place. This Hydrological Year Book for Hemavethy sub basin of Cauvery Basin contains description of river basin, present status of water resources development, existing network of hydrological stations and their sailent features. A number of maps have been included in this publication which include Index Map, Contour Map, Location of Raingauge and Stage discharge Sites, Location of Ground Water Observation wells, Soil and Landuse Maps,Annual Isohyetal Maps and Drought Prone Area Map. The Cross sections and L Sections for the available sites and reaches have also been given. The monthly rainfall, and 10 daily flow data for all the gauging sites have been presented from the start of observation to 1985. Since this publication relates to the Hydrological year 1985-86, for 1985-86 hourly and daily rain fall data, vapour pressure, wind, temperature, pan evaporation data for the observation site, daily gauge and discharge data for the measuring sites and the monthly data of groundwater levels of the observation wells, have been included in this publication. All the relevant information for the Hemavethy reservoir and Sriramdevar Anicut which are in the basin have also been included in this publication. Publication of this Hydrological Year Book is an attempt to bring all the possible information relating to hydrological basin together. This might have been incomplete in certain respect and may not have enough data that is available for the basin. Suggestions would help to improve further Hydrological Year Book of other basins. For preparation of this publication the data available in Forest Atlas of Survey of India, the IMD and CWC publications, data supplied by WRDO, Bangalore, RDSO, Lucknow and various other agencies have been made use of. The Institute expressed sincere thanks to these organisations for making available the necessary data for including in this publication.en_US
dc.publisherNational Institute of Hydrologyen_US
dc.subjectHydrological Year Booken_US
dc.subjectHemavathi sub basinen_US
dc.titleTR-53 : Hydrological year book Hemavathi sub basin year 1985-86en_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US
Appears in Collections:Technical Reports

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