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dc.contributor.authorMehta, Rama D.-
dc.contributor.authorBhar, A. K.-
dc.description.abstractDissemination of any news concerning all of us, particularly, the news about water resources is of utmost importance due to the fact that availability of good water has become the most critical factor for any development activity and for stepping into the next millennium with confidence. The various hydrologic problems of India which vary over space and time are by and large known. But, their occurrence, severity, long term and short term impact on our various development processes, environment, and economy, are not always visualised. The hydrologic events that were occurring across the length and breadth of India are the manifestation of the hydrologic problems and an awareness of the same will definitely be congenial to be the rational starting point to mitigate these. With this thing in view, the hydrologic information and news available from the print media and various government agencies mostly for 1996-97 and for other years are collected and compiled in this report state-wise and problemwise and river basin-wise for the whole country. The major hydrological problems of India have been divided into 20 subsections and arranged both statewise and river-basin wise. The news about the Narmada basin and North-Eastern Region have been incorporated in 'N' and '0' sections separately. Section 'V' caters for the general hydrologic information of the country. Further for the convenience of the readers, a matrix is provided amongst the problem and the position index of the contents provided with respect to the problem in the report (Table-1). Table-2 serves as a matrix to indicate the river basins where the different problems have taken place. States have been arranged in alphabetic order. As such, readers can easily go through the reported hydrologic events according to 2❑ classified problems statewise and river basin-wise. It is attempted to cover all the important hydrologic news and events to the extent possible. However, the present report may be taken as an Alustrative compilation of the hydrological information and news and be referred.en_US
dc.publisherNational Institute of Hydrologyen_US
dc.subjectHydrologic problemsen_US
dc.subjectWater problemsen_US
dc.titleSR-4/96-97 : Some news regarding hydrological problems of the countryen_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US
Appears in Collections:Status Report

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